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Friday, October 20, 2017

Thailand: Visit to the Grand Palace - "Some practical tips"

Some tips on your visit to this Palace of complex buildings  with intricate architecture:

1.       Have greater appreciation on what you expect to see. Read up before going. There is a free tour guide brochure  available at the ticket entrance but usually, it may be too late to do your reading if already there.

2.       As Palace is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Thailand, expect this place to be very crowded with both local and foreign tourists. Come early to avoid the crowd and the heat.  Palace is open from 8:30am to 3:30 pm every day.

3.       The whole of the Palace is picturesque. Make sure you bring your camera and is fully charged.

4.       Come in proper attire (shoulders and knees must be covered). You will save time in lining up to borrow a sarong or polo shirt with a deposit of Baht 200 ($8).  There are also long lines when you return to get your deposit.

5.       As you will be moving around under the sun, bring your hat or umbrella plus drinking water.

6.       You will pay Baht 500 (approx. $15) per person as entrance free (Thais enter free). Better to bring cash but credit cards are accepted. This fee entitles you to access other facilities within the Grand Palace.  Use them if you have enough time.

7.       Be careful with your children and keep them on sight; beware of pickpockets

8.       Recommended duration of visit: 2-3 hours

9.       Be careful for over-charging and scams caused by taxi and tuk-tuk drivers

10.   Parking is whole area is a problem.  If you are driving you can use paid parking at Navy Club and take a short tuk-tuk ride to the Grand Palace.
(July 2016)

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